COVID Policy from EEC
A rapid antigen test, such as a self-test, is preferred to a PCR test in most situations.
To count days for isolation, Day 0 is the first day of symptoms OR the day the day
positive test was taken, whichever is earlier.
The Commonwealth is not recommending universal mask requirements, surveillance
testing of asymptomatic individuals, contact tracing, or test-to-stay testing in
schools. While masks are not required or recommended in these settings except for in
school health offices, any individual who wishes to continue to mask, including those
who face higher risk from COVID-19, should be supported in that choice. For those who
need or choose to mask, masking is never required in these settings while the individual
is eating, drinking, sleeping, or outside.
All individuals are encouraged to stay up-to-date with vaccination as vaccines remain
the best way to help protect yourself and others.
Quarantine is no longer required nor recommended for children or staff in
these settings, regardless of vaccination status or where the exposure occurred. All
exposed individuals may continue to attend programming as long as they remain
asymptomatic. Those who can mask should do so until Day 10, and it is recommended
that they test on Day 6 of exposure. If symptoms develop, follow the guidance for
symptomatic individuals below.
Children and staff who test positive must isolate for at least 5 days. If they
are asymptomatic or symptoms are resolving, and they have been fever-free without
using fever-reducing medicine for 24 hours, they may return to programming after Day
5. They should wear a high-quality mask through Day 10:
o If the individual is able to mask, they must do so through Day 10.
If the individual has a negative test on Day 5 or later, they do not need to
If the individual is unable to mask, they may return to programming with
a negative test on Day 5 or later.
Symptomatic individuals can remain in their school or program if they have mild
symptoms, are tested immediately on site, and that test is negative. Best practice would
also include wearing a mask, if possible until symptoms are fully resolved. For
symptomatic individuals, DPH recommends a second test within 48 hours if the initial
test is negative.
o If the symptomatic individual cannot be tested immediately, they should be sent
home and allowed to return to their program or school if symptoms remain mild,
and they test negative, or they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the
use of fever-reducing medication, and their symptoms are resolving, or if a
medical professional makes an alternative diagnosis. A negative test is strongly
recommended for return.
Fever (100.0° Fahrenheit or higher), chills, or shaking
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
New loss of taste or smell
Muscle aches or body aches
Cough (not due to other known causes, such as a
chronic cough)Sore throat, when in combination
with other symptoms
Nausea, vomiting, when in
combination with other symptoms
Headache, when in combination
with other symptoms
Fatigue, when in combination with
other symptoms
Nasal congestion or runny nose
(not due to other known causes,
such as allergies), when in
combination with other symptoms